Find Unclaimed
Life Insurance
Millions in life insurance policies go unclaimed every year.
Find Unclaimed
Life Insurance
Millions in life insurance policies go unclaimed every year.
Many life insurance companies believe it is acceptable to not pay out benefits simply because the beneficiaries are unaware a policy exists. We disagree.
The benefits belong to the loved ones for whom the deceased intended. Life Policy Check was created to help families find unclaimed life insurance.
Click the button above to receive a secure link by email. When you’re ready, complete the form we send you to submit your Life Policy Check. That’s all you have to do, we take it from there.
We then contact the top 150 life insurance companies in the United States on your behalf to notify them of the passing of the deceased. Once notified they must search their records.
If a life insurance policy or annuity is found, the holding life insurance company will have to initiate the claims process and the funds will be paid to the beneficiaries as the deceased originally intended.
Want to know if anything was found? After your Life Policy Check is submitted you can expect to receive letters from companies via the USPS confirming whether or not a policy exists.
We are here to help you and your family find lost and unclaimed life insurance.
All too often life insurance policies unknown to survivors go unclaimed after a loved one passes. Run a Life Policy Check today to be sure all policy benefits are properly paid to the beneficiaries as the deceased intended.
A new service offering for attorneys, estate executors, accountants, and funeral homes.
Partner with Life Policy Check today to help your clients find lost or unclaimed life insurance policies.
Get started today!
Life Policy Check notifies the top 150 life insurance companies in the United States of the passing of the deceased.
Once we notify them on your behalf they must search their records for the existence of any life insurance policies on the deceased currently unknown to you.
Audits of leading life insurance companies have uncovered a systematic, industry-wide practice of not paying significant numbers of beneficiaries. Read the full story here.
“I was referred to Life Policy Check by another estate attorney and could not be happier with the service. The very first time my law practice used Life Policy Check for a client’s family we found two unknown life insurance policies totaling $12,810! As you can imagine, the family was very pleased by this news. Life Policy Check is very easy to use and helps me search much more comprehensively for outstanding assets: the service covers all fifty states and contacts hundreds of life insurance companies. I recommend Life Policy Check as a valuable tool for other law firms or to families who have recently had a loved one pass.”
Mike H. Doherty, PLLC
Attorney at Law
Arlington, VA
“After my father passed away unexpectedly, I had no idea what needed to be done or how to go about making arrangements. I wasn’t sure if he had a life insurance policy to help pay for the funeral even after sorting through stacks of old paperwork. Thankfully, I was introduced to Life Policy Check by a close friend. They helped me locate a modest final expenses life insurance policy that I never would have found otherwise. I was also very impressed by the thoroughness and sheer number of written responses I received from life insurance companies! I highly recommend Life Policy Check!”